i have a little plant that sits on my bedroom window ledge..she has been there minding her own business since last july..she doesnt ask for much, or complain or need too much fussing over...a pretty independent lil thing!...and she has never ever flowered before!..so imagine my surprise and utter delight when throwing open the curtains to greet a bright yet freezing cool day, i was greeted by the sight of this pink, petaled wonder :-)...and she has companions too, other lil buds are making there way through, up and out to say 'good day!' to the lush rich tapestry of one of manchester's busiest city centre streets
why now dear bloom? what on earth made this little wonder decide 'it's time!', and wake up from its 100 year sleep (a slight nod to olde sleeping beauty there!)...being of mystical mind i like to believe that the dawning of imbolc (the return of the light) a few days earlier reminded her to put on her glad rags and opt out of the dark comfort of inward dwelling! who knew that waiting inside of all this lush greenery a pink petalled flower was about to make her debut!
can you feel it in the air dear ones? a kinda pulse to awaken, to jump outta bed and say a big 'yes!' to the waiting world...with the return of the light its time to shake the sleep outta our bones, to open our eyes and tentatively and tenderly say 'hello' again to life...not too fast i might add, but gently, mindfully and listening to the impulses that point the way forwards...i have begun to write again, to journal and reflect upon my intentions that i wish to give attention to for the year ahead...to question what desires lie trembling with excitement at my heart
but how to direct those first steps? what do we need to have as our companions on this journey? so thinking about the lil bud again i came up with these qualities to guide us through this time:
guts (are flowers brave?!)
and a willingness to shine
hmmm...sounds like quite a treasure chest of life skills to me :-)
offer yourself to life my lovelies, take that risk...in your uniqueness you offer something of yourself into the matrix and weave of the universe...something only you can make manifest..it doesnt have to be huge, or life changing, or even noticed, but its you and thats truly a wondrous special and precious gift..so take a step, just the one for now...be brave! xxx
oh, by the way, since i took that photo of lil bud on saturday, she has bloomed into a rather sumptuous divine flower...who knew hey, who knew! xxx
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