Here I am
Hello dear ones...I am sat in a hotel room in the city of Budapest...yep siree ya read that right :-)...how did I get here?? well let's start from early this morning...waaaay early than the lark...here goes...the penultimate day of my thirties and of this project reads something like this....;-)
3:30am doorbell rings...dear friend at the door...me half asleep having decided that 11pm was the perfect time to die ones hair and start packing (hmmmm!!)....so, a couple of ours sleep later, a beaming sleepy smile and hug greet me...kettle on, soft talk shared, packed case ready...
5am...our chariot arrives (dad, bless him) and two become four as mom and sis are part of this adventure too...airport, coffee, duty free!...planted seats on that ole bus of the sky and we are off (now, I only discovered this mystery destination late last night...my loved ones having planned n plotted to secret me away for my birthday...how amazing is that?!)...favourite pastime indulged...cloud dreaming...gazin outta the window and wondering what it must be like to bounce amongst those fluffy balls of cottony ground...I love flying, even tho I find it such a strange activity!...a gorgeous dear friend recently mused on how life in limbo time is like those flights...we know where we got on and what that place looked like, and then we travel, somewhere new, nothing we need do but sit back and wait...unable to view the scape below, and yet we know that it is changing all the time, in each moment...we can't get off until its the right time, until we 'land' again, all changed...it's like that place known as the void, when we are in the process of change, when we have done all we needed to do, until it's no longer in our hands...all we can do is wait, trust and wait...oh, and get off when it is time! I kinda feel like that place now, only hours from 40, seatbelt fastened for landing, descent begun :-)
Taxi and eastern views...a land toughened by tough times...Budapest city and hotel arrival
And then it happened...they say it happens in threes...so here's the three folks:
My phone will not work...no signal...and I feel a rise of disappointment..I am a day away from 40...I know dear friends will contact me..and I know if I have no signal here then I will not even be able to pick up my messages when home mon eve...maybe I'm being silly, but I start to feel sad...
Heart feels like it starts to tighten..
And then the next thing happens...
I open my suitcase and it has been touched by someone else's hands...a few gifts and cards I brought with to open tomorrow have been ripped apart, tissue paper litters my bag, some random beads nestling amongst my clothes..and I it hits me...someone has been rifling through my bag, maybe has taken something, has without heart ripped into a strangers life, and I start to shake...shock rips thro me and I begin to cry...
Oh and the third? Bless my body but it chooses that exact moment to, ahem, bring its monthly gift..oh joy!!
A few brandys later, us four shaken n stirred, phone repaired thanks to nice talk talk voice on the end of the ethers Skype, energy moved as I shook and stomped it through me, and off out we went...off to..well where else when you have just arrived in foreign lands? That's right, off to the police station to get a report for my insurance
Half hour walk...two hour wait...four deranged ladies (did this happen in sex and the city??)....all reported and forms filled and time for dinner
It's now 6pm...
Things start to calm down as we take our seats in a gorgeous Italian restaurant and gorge on pizza salad and potato delights...it had been literally hours since we had eaten...
Another walk through eve city quiet streets...a wee bar by the Danube greets us to pause for a nightcap and rest our weariness as we take in the lights and beauty around us...and then hotel calls us to find the nest to drop our bones into dream times pleasures...
Blimey!! What a day!...
Ok universe..what the hell just happened??
Did you need me to run through the gamut of all of my emotions just before my big day? Like a yearly check to make sure they are all inworking order??